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VaultBet V2 : DeFi the odds.
ICP public

VaultBet V2 : DeFi the odds.

VaultBet is a decentralised betting exchange. An alternative to bookmakers and centralised betting exchanges that allows users to buy, sell and trade bets on sporting events in a truly peer-to-peer, trustless and secure marketplace by using smart contract technology.
3 min read
Internet Computer NFT Collectors Focus on Supply and Demand
NFTs public

Internet Computer NFT Collectors Focus on Supply and Demand

The Clown Skateboards x Ludo release has dominated the Internet Computer marketplace this week. More on that in just a moment. First, I want to draw attention to supply and demand in the IC NFT marketplace and what collections may just be primed for floor price increases as the market recovers.
3 min read
What Is the Role of the DFINITY Foundation on the IC?
ICP public

What Is the Role of the DFINITY Foundation on the IC?

The fact is that there is a lot of confusion about the difference between the Internet Computer, ICP, and the DFINITY Foundation. So this is a quick article to clear some things up and to briefly discuss the stated purpose of the DFINITY Foundation in connection with the Internet Computer (IC).
3 min read
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