Exciting New NFT Collections Are Launching on the IC

Exciting New NFT Collections Are Launching on the IC
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It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say this, but there are three NFT collections launching on the IC that I am really excited about. But before I get to that, I want to start by sharing some news regarding an OG NFT collection on the IC.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say this, but there are three NFT collections launching on the IC that I am really excited about. But before I get to that, I want to start by sharing some news regarding an OG NFT collection on the IC.

Canistore has decided to try and save one of the top volume collections on the IC: Dfinity Space Apes. At the time of writing, the Canistore team was still waiting for the DSA team to turn over their social accounts and assets, but if this transition goes through, it’s a big deal for DSA fans. While the original team now admits they were just artists who got carried away by the community’s desire for a fancy roadmap, the Canistore team has the ability to actually deliver. So I’ll be keeping an eye on this development to see how it pans out.

BREAKING NEWS: Barry Hype from Canistore has announced in the DSA discord that the changeover is in the process of occuring. It seems things are going smoothly!

Now let’s get to those major launches.

Shinjuku High: The Website and Launch Date Are Here!

The Shinjuku High team has been building anticipation for weeks, and suddenly everything is coming together all at once. On February 20, the website launched (https://shinjukuhigh.icp.xyz/), and this revealed the roadmap.

1. The launch of the NFT collection – 500 Students in the “Freshmen” collection.

2. Interaction with the Shinjuku High universe using the NFT – This allows the dynamic digital collectible to evolve.

3. The storyline is developed in classic manga style – You may even see your collectible make an appearance in the story.

The official launch announcement arrived early on Tuesday morning UTC. The 500 NFTs will mint for 15 ICP each on Yumi marketplace. The launch date is March 1 at 2:00 PM UTC.

Grounded: Oli and Wing Are Back!

With a floor price of 145 ICP, Wing is The iconic photography collection on the Internet Computer. Holders even received an airdrop of Flight. Now, photographer Oliver Savage and his stunning model Wing are back for a third collection. The artistry of the collection is unrivaled on the IC. And at 15 ICP per NFT (for the WL), this collection will mint at just 1/9th the floor price of the original collection.

The Grounded launch is next Friday – March 3. There are 15 different photos, four editions of each, for a total of 60 NFTs in the collection.

Resistance: Sunny’s Best AI Artwork Yet

The other collection I’m really excited about is Resistance. I’ve been a holder of Sunny’s AI artwork since Faceless, and with Resistance, he’s showing that he has reached a new level of AI art creation. The previews from this 321 NFT collection have been stunning.

For the first time, each artwork in the collection is 1/1. The artwork is categorized into five different styles: Oil painting, Black charcoal ink painting, Sculptures, Classic comics style, and Concept art. 95% of the collection is being airdropped to Faceless and Demonic Singularity holders. The other 5% is in the treasury and will be used for promotions. So if you are not a holder of Sunny’s previous collections, you’ll want to keep an eye on the secondary market.

These are the collections and mints I’ll be watching this week. Remember to always DYOR and stay safe!

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