The Internet Computer NFT Market Starts 2022 with a Bang!

The first week of 2022 saw a lot of ICP traded on the NFT market. Let’s take a look at the top-performing projects for the week, a new NFT project that really launched into the marketplace, and a couple of projects with exciting announcements that may drive more sales in the coming week.

This Week’s Big Winners in the NFT Marketplace

Too many project floor prices were up this week to mention them all, but there were some noteworthy moves and none more prominent than Meme Cake. Let this be a lesson to people who say that a project is “dead” if it doesn’t sell out on day one. Meme Cake never sold out, and the creators decided to offer the remaining NFTs via private & future public sale. It looks like that decision paid off for collectors.

Meme Cake on the Entrepot Marketplace

Here is this week’s Top 3:

· Meme Cake – Floor price on the Dick NFTs was 1.45 ICP last week but has skyrocketed to a shocking 4 ICP in just seven days! That represents a 176% increase. It is a testament to the robust Meme Cake community, the intelligent decision-making of the developers, and the utility of the project. Even if you paid full price to mint, you have still doubled the value of your NFT, so congrats to everyone who got into Meme Cake early.

· ICP Art (Tranquility) – The original 99 NFT collection from ICP Art had a fantastic week and saw floor prices rise from 10 ICP to 14.6 ICP. That’s a 46% increase, making it an even more considerable investment if you want to get in on the Art DAO. In fact, that’s a 109% increase in value for collectors who paid 7 ICP during the public sale. The exclusive ICP Art community is creating tons of value for holders as governors, so it makes sense that no one wants to let these go cheap.

· ICPunks – Gigaverse exerted its dominance in the marketplace this week. After the ICats drop for punk holders, a few people let their punks go below the floor price, but that didn’t last long. The floor price ended up sailing from 11.2 ICP to 15.35 ICP – a 37% increase! Not too shabby for a free mint from less than five months ago.

ICP Art on the Entrepot Marketplace

Dfinity Space Apes Take the Internet Computer by Storm

DSA launched just a few days ago and passed 10k ICP in volume while writing this article. That’s a stunning feat. The current floor price of 2.75 ICP has all minters in profit though the price is still low enough to provide an excellent opportunity to complete your collections and get as many free planet drops as possible. Remember that you have to be holding three apes with the same world in the background to get the drop – happy hunting!

Dfinity Space Apes on the Entrepot Marketplace

What I’ll Be Watching for Next Week

There are a couple of projects launching in the next week that I have my eye on:

· ICAliens – This project from the creators of ICelebrity will feature a DAO for holders and rewards for minters, holders, and rare holders. They’ve built an active community with lots of fun games and giveaways, so I expect to see a lot of interest in this project. I also have to add a disclaimer – I’ve been the blogger on this project, so I have a vested interest.

· IC Turtles – Releasing on Sunday, IC Turtles has built a strong community and several exciting partnerships. This will be the first self-mint project on the Internet Computer since ICPunks – and it will be the first one that requires payment. If all goes smoothly, IC Turtles may be paving the way for many more projects to offer direct minting from their website, so this is a crucial drop to keep an eye on.

I’m also going to be watching a couple of projects that had big announcements that just happened to be too late in the week to cause massive floor price movements, but that could impact sales in the coming days.

· Internet Astronauts (IASC) – IASC holders have a lot to look forward to following CAP's completion. However, until then, collectors look for any glimmer of progress to get excited over. This week, the good news came in the form of a new partnership announcement.

Cosmicrafts announced on Twitter this week that the projects will share exclusive NFTs and that Internet Astronauts will be usable as avatars in the upcoming Cosmicrafts game. With IASC continuing to deliver on its promise to partner with exciting projects on the Internet Computer, there has been a sudden jump in sales. I expect that to continue in the coming days.

· Moonwalkers – The ICP Maximalist announced exciting news this week in the IC Gallery discord server. It resulted in a slight boost in the Moonwalkers floor price already. A few highlights include integration with Plug Wallet, the completion of networking solutions basics (the building blocks for seeing one another’s avatars in the metaverse), and testing of the new updates for the community’s OGs in the coming week.

That’s all for today. Enjoy a great week of trading NFTs, and I will give you the highlights again next week!


Meme Cake creators decided to offer the remaining NFTs via private and future public sale, previous version of the article mentioned they decided to burn the remaining NFTs.

Previous Week Issue

Motoko Closes the Year Out Looking More Like MOONtoko
Before anyone has something to say about the Motoko NFTs getting spotlighted in my weekly market updates, I just want to say: it’s your fault!

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