New All-Time Highs for Multiple Internet Computer NFT Projects

Welcome to my first weekly Internet Computer NFT market update! Let's look at some of the exciting things that happened this week and what we can look forward to in the days ahead.

New All-Times Highs and Other Huge Individual Sales

The NFT market was rife this week with new all-time highs. Two projects, in particular, stood out.

Entrepot Marketplace
  • Motoko Day Drop - Motoko #5765 sold for 420.69 ICP this week, crushing the project's previous record sale of 150 ICP. While the NRI is only 68.6%, the DTI is 99.7%. The face style, body style, aura, and accessory are features on less than 1% of the collection, making this Motoko NFT ultra-rare.
  • Internet Astronauts (IASC) - IASC actually set a new high twice this week. Earlier in the week, #2738 sold for 50 ICP, nearly double the previous record of 26 ICP. Later in the week, #2644 sold for another record of 66.66 ICP. Both astronauts boast a 99.8% NRI, showing they are among the rarest NFTs in the collection.

Besides the ATHs, there we also some other big individual sales in these and other collections.

  • Poked bots - Bot #1521 sold for 234 ICP. That would be an ATH for most collections, but it was the 16th biggest sale for the bots.
  • ICPuppies - The puppies saw several big sales this week, including #9420 selling for 66.6 ICP, #2684 selling for 45, and #5429 for 30. Those all fall in the top 50 sales of all time for the puppies.

A New Challenger Appears

ICApes made its marketplace debut this week to the tune of over 4100 ICP in total volume. It is also notable that the floor price is presently at 1.10 ICP. This is significant because depending on the round in which they made a purchase, collectors paid between .5 ICP and 1.5 ICP per ape. So while whitelisted collectors are already in the green, the floor has a little room to go before the entire project is in the money. At the time of writing, there were 127 apes for sale at less than 1.5 ICP, so a good week could put the collection over the top for sure.

Entrepot Marketplace

Rising Floor Prices Across the Market

This week, we saw floor prices rising across the marketplace - some due to news and others due to speculation of coming updates. Here are the big winners this week.

  • Infernal Vampire Colony (IVC) - I have to admit, I don't follow this project, but I can understand why IVC tops the charts with an 86% increase in floor price. First of all, there are only 666 NFTs in the collection (I see what they did there). Second, the number listed for sale dropped from 192 to 133, so I definitely think scarcity is playing a role in the rising values.
  • Internet Astronauts (IASC) - Floor prices rose this week from 0.87 ICP to 1.35 for an increase of 55%. The project also did about 1000 ICP in total sales volume for the week.
  • Motoko Day Drop - Are you tired of hearing about these guys yet? They've been on a bull run for about a month now, and this week took things to new levels. A floor price increase from 6 ICP to 9 ICP represents a 50% rise. The project also did more than 4300 ICP in total volume.
  • Poked bots - The bots had an incredible week on the news that collectors will be able to burn GEN1 bots to make GEN2 mutated bots at some point in the future. About one-quarter of the bots on the market have disappeared this week, and the increasing scarcity has driven the floor price up by 49%. Collectors who bought in at 4 ICP in the public sale are finally in the green. It's a good reminder that the floor price of the secondary market doesn't have to start above the public sale price for a project to be really successful. The bots also did over 4500 ICP in total volume for the week.

What I'm Watching This Week

The bull run of the Poked bots and Internet Astronauts just got started in the last few days, so I'll be watching to see how those develop. I've also got my eye on ICPuppies, which has already seen a slight uptick in floor price and volume since announcing a strategic partnership with ICKitties. We all saw that coming, right?

That's all for this week! I'll keep watching the market to update you on the biggest trends, so stay tuned.

  • Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original author and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the Dfinity Community staff and/or any/all contributors to this site.