On March 5th, the very first Motoko Bootcamp kicks off!!We have 288 students intent on completing their core projects during the bootcamp and 369 others who registered to follow along at their own pace. This adds up to a total of 657 people learning how to build on the Internet Computer from March 5th - 12th!
The bootcamp will consist of 24 lectures and 13 mentorship meetings hosted by 22 of the top developers in the Internet Computer ecosystem. We'll also have a GitHub full of resources, daily challenges, and lessons put together by Seb Thuillier on behalf of Motoko School!
We are grateful to the DFINITY Foundation for supporting this event with a $25k grant, Dfinity Community (ICP Squad) for hosting and organizing it, and all of the dev mentors who've volunteered their valuable time and experience towards making it possible.
Registration & enrollment is closed, but if you'd like to read more about Motoko Bootcamp, you can find more details in our most recent update. If you want to follow along, subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we'll publish the lectures throughout the event.

Prize Pool Details
All Graduates
All Motoko Bootcamp graduates will get a special ICP Squad Accessory NFT (graduation hat) to celebrate their accomplishments!
They will also receive a non-transferrable NFT diploma, which can prove their completion. These NFT diplomas also give them access to an exclusive Motoko Bootcamp DSCVR portal where they can continue learning and collaborating with Dev Mentors and other graduates.
Additional prizes:
- ICDevs.org is donating one random Aramakme NFT to each graduate.
- Origyn will airdrop 500 OGY tokens to each graduate.
- 1,000 GoBazzinga Tokens
To graduate, fully enrolled students must solve all of the daily coding challenges and submit a core project that meets their learning level requirements (beginner or intermediate) by the end of the boot camp.
1st place for Intermediate
- Their NFT collection will be listed on Entrepot and turned into a live NFT project on the Internet Computer.
- An NFT diploma proving they won 1st place for Intermediate
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Character NFT is personalized to look like them.
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Accessory NFT. These are rare, high-value NFTs which offer lifetime eligibility for passive ICP income. You can learn more about this here: https://www.dfinitycommunity.com/icp-squad-the-fun-is-just-beginning/
- (1) Bug bounty offer from ICDevs.org
- (2) Saga Legends NFTs
- 30,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
2nd place for Intermediate
- An NFT diploma proving they won 2nd place for Intermediate
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Accessory NFT
- (1) Bug bounty offer from ICDevs.org
- (1) Saga Legends NFT
- 20,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
3rd place for Intermediate
- An NFT diploma proving they won 3rd place for Intermediate
- (1) Rare ICP Squad Accessory NFT (not Legendary but still rare/valuable)
- (1) Bug bounty offer from ICDevs.org
- (1) Saga Legends NFT
- 10,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
1st place for Beginner
- An NFT diploma proving they won 1st place for Beginner
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Character NFT is personalized to look like them
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Accessory NFT
- (2) Saga Legends NFTs
- 30,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
2nd place for Beginner
- An NFT diploma proving they won 2nd place for Beginner
- (1) Legendary ICP Squad Accessory NFT
- (1) Saga Legends NFT
- 20,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
3rd place for Beginner
- An NFT diploma proving they won 3rd place for Beginner
- (1) Rare ICP Squad Accessory NFT (not Legendary but still rare/valuable)
- (1) Saga Legends NFT
- 10,000 OGY tokens from Origyn Foundation
Prize Pool Contributors
ICP Squad
ICP Squad aims to be the most inclusive NFT project ever created. Instead of creating a traditional play-to-earn game, ICP Squad aims to gamify & unify the entire Internet Computer ecosystem with its unique engage-to-earn model.Most NFT projects aim to have a high floor cap which limits holders and excludes everyone else, but ICP Squad seeks to change this with a unique dual NFT economy:
- ICP Squad avatar NFTs can be customized & minted by anyone at any time for a low flat rate, and holding one in your wallet qualifies you for participation in missions & airdrops across various Internet Computer dapps.
- ICP Squad accessory NFTs are rare, valuable, and perishable assets which will boost your odds of winning NFT rewards, and holders will also share consistent ICP airdrops from the ICP Squad neuron.
The long-term goal is to turn ICP Squad into an Open Internet Service run by a DAO, which will provide an incentive platform any dapp developer can use to distribute branded virtual merchandise that has utility for their dapp. This will help technical founders drive engagement and get early users with minimal marketing cost.
For users, it means the Internet Computer will be a blockchain where anyone can quickly start earning rewards by using dapps built on it.
- Most recent project update
- ICP Squad Discord (Governance participation & updates)
- Website (Avatar minting live!)
- Accessory listings on Entrepot
- Twitter, DSCVR, & Distrikt
Toniq Labs
Toniq Labs is one of the most well-known brand names in the ecosystem, which can boast of being first-to-market with play-to-earn NFTs, an ICP wallet, an NFT marketplace, and more!
We are proud to have Bob Bodily representing Toniq. They are so excited that they've offered to help us turn the 1st place Intermediate winner's project into a real NFT collection that'll get listed on Entrepot!
ICDevs has seven new bounties that it will offer the first crack at for the first, second, and third place graduates of the intermediate category. The bounties range in size from $1,000 to $10,000 and provide an opportunity for developers to write real-world code that contributes to the IC ecosystem while also learning the ins and outs of programming for the platform.
In addition, ICDevs.org will donate one random Aramakme NFT to all program graduates. The NFT is mostly nostalgia now as the underlying library has been open-sourced and had its experimental license removed, but the code to mint/serve/sell the NFT is all open-sourced and offers developers an opportunity to explore how an NFT is created.
Origyn Foundation
Origyn will contribute 500 OGY tokens to each finisher of the boot camp. Winners of each category will receive 30,000 OGY, second place 20,000 OGY, and third place 10,000 OGY.
The Origyn Foundation is a Swiss non-profit foundation. At ORIGYN Foundation, we combine intelligent technologies and decentralized computing to identify, authenticate and unlock the powers of ownership for the world’s most valuable objects. ORIGYN brings NFTs to life with biometric data and unique ownership experiences to power brands, creators, artists, marketplaces, consumers, and industries with guaranteed certificates of authenticity.
Saga Tarot
Started by one of the ecosystem's most involved developers, Jorgen Hookham, Saga is a stunning NFT collection of Tarot cards. Saga has contributed (7) Chaos cards which each contain a full deck, and (1) Legend "The Magician" card to the prize pool.
This exciting new project was founded by Saikat Das, one of our most devoted and involved dev mentors. GoBazzinga lets users monetize their time on social media! The project will be launching within the next few weeks, and they've graciously contributed 1,000 of their native tokens to each graduate of Motoko Bootcamp!
Job Openings
Prizes are great, but the most significant opportunity for graduates is the reputation and exposure they'll earn within the Internet Computer developer community.
To this author's knowledge, at least five dev mentors will be actively scouting for new talent during Motoko Bootcamp. This means those enrolled will be competing for more than just NFTs and Tokens, so they better bring their A-Game!
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