The Internet Computer ecosystem is experiencing an immense talent shortage. While many efforts are underway to address this problem in the long term, we wish to organize a community event to quickly boost talent in the short term.
How are we going to help?
We (Motoko School & Dfinity Community & our amazing mentors) propose a one-week-long virtual conference where experienced Internet Computer developers will help and train groups of newbies who want to learn and train newbies who want to learn how to develop dapps on the Internet Computer.
This event is funded by a Dfinity Foundation grant, participation is 100% free and open to any skill level.
It’s a mix between a regular hackathon and a coding boot camp.
- Participants will be divided between those with some coding experience (enough to know the basics like using the command line and git) and those who are complete beginners to coding.
- Beginners will be tasked with making a web app (fully hosted on the Internet Computer) that updates the content of a page based on the input of a form.
- Participants with more experience will be tasked with making an app that gives users the ability to mint NFTs, with a bonus for having multiple back-end canisters.
- All participants will also have to solve daily coding challenges to help them learn and demonstrate important concepts.
- Participants will have their work showcased on a webpage, and they’ll get a chance to make a quick presentation during the last day of the event.
- There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for each participant category (beginner and intermediate). The dev mentors will vote to select winners.
Participation is free. Anyone who wants to learn how to make apps on the Internet Computer can sign up for the conference.
How will this help you?
This is an excellent opportunity to get involved and active within the Internet computer ecosystem.
We encourage all kinds of profiles to register, even beginners can learn from this event, and if we ever get the chance to make a second boot camp, they can always come back in the intermediate section to learn more!
Many different topics will be covered among those are :
- Create your first Motoko application from scratch and learn to deploy it locally and on the IC.
- Understand the specificity of the IC and what makes it unique compared to other blockchains.
- Learn about data structures, functions, and packages in Motoko.
- Understand how users are authenticated on the IC and learn to make use of it.
- Introduction to Open Internet Services: aka how to leverage cooperation and interoperability on the IC.
Major ecosystem players have also given their support to this event ( DSCVR, Toniq Lab, Gigaverse Labs, Saga Cards, Psychedelic, IC Punks, Motoko School, ICP Squad, and the DFINITY foundation). Many of those are looking for developers to join their ranks or contribute to different missions; this boot camp could be the time to show you skills and get a job opportunity!
Who is going to help?
We have the support of faithful members of the community, who all have experience developing on the Internet Computer.
- Jorgenbuilder, founder of Metascore & SagaCard.
- Quint, Web3 developer and author of multiple amazing Motoko packages.
- Kyle, working at Dfinity, sharing educational resources and improving developer experience on the IC.
- Jordan Last, experimented developer and CEO of Demergent Labs, worked on various projects on the IC ( Sudograph, Openchat bot)
- Yan Chen, working at Dfinity and maintaining Candid and Motoko Playground as well as contributing to the Motoko language!
- Austin Fatheree, founder of IC Devs supporting and funding toolings, education, and open-source materials around the Internet Computer development.
As a special thank you, all dev mentors will be gifted with personalized Legendary ICP Squad Character NFTs. These NFT assets will passively earn prizes once gameplay features are enabled in 2022, and here’s how awesome they look.

Event Timing
This event will be held during the second week of March (5th to 12th).
Daily planning listing the different topics will come soon; if you wish to register but will only be able to participate for a few days, it's also possible as each day will be dedicated to a different topic and offering a new challenge!
Next step
Ready to get mentored by the best minds in the ecosystem (for students) ?
Are you already an experimented IC Developer looking to contribute?

Graphic Designer - Jay Damani: Twitter | Instagram
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