Crowd Creative Collections, Collaborative Art for the Metaverse

Snail mail, telephone, internet, and now the metaverse. Evolution changes the way we communicate, and now we can go from meeting with our friends to having dinner with our families, no matter how far away we are from each other.

The Metaverse is a virtual space where humans (tethered to the physical world) can operate using virtual and augmented reality-powered avatars and exist in both places, losing touch with what’s real and what’s not.

The cinematographic world shows us different possibilities that may occur in the future. Taking the Matrix as a reference, the movie Ready Player One provides a foretaste of what the Metaverse may become.

Crowd Creative Collections (aka. C3 Protocol) is an autonomous organization that offers the opportunity to create collaborative art in the metaverse, where non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will play a relevant role.

Crowd Creative Collections

C3 Protocol, also known as the CCC Protocol, is building a Decentralized Artistic Creation Organization (DACO) that aims to realize collaborative artistic creation through algorithms, protocols, and decentralized governance.

Collaborative artwork becomes a process in which the artist shares ideas and stimulates creativity to achieve a collective objective as a result of the interaction with the group. C3 protocol has developed a Crowd Created Canvas platform, where anyone can join to create collaborative art with the target of creating a pixel canvas on the Internet Computer blockchain.

Crowd Created Canvas

In addition, the final artwork will be converted into a non-fungible token (NFT), and all participants will have the opportunity to be selected as the owner of the token.

Stay tuned to C3 protocol's social media to get the airdrop of one of their mystery boxes!

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Crowd Created Canvas

Crowd Created Canvas, also known as CCC, is the first collectible and collaborative pixel artwork platform on the Internet Computer. As a participant, you will not only have the opportunity to own the NFT of the final creation. The platform shares the bonus pool so that you will have benefits according to your level of participation. Learn more about distributed income and the bonus pool in the following article.

In addition to collaborative creation, you can also choose to create independently. Thus, Personal Canvas was built to satisfy painters or artists with a personal touch or creativity needs. They are entitled to the power of drawing and bringing their ideas to life in the form of an NFT.

In the following image, you can see the roadmap of the Crowd Created Canvas platform:

Crowd Created Canvas Roadmap

Personal canvas and the trading MarketPlace will be launched at the same time to support one-price trading. Its primary purpose is to facilitate painters to trade NFT artworks after personal painting, and we also welcome famous artists to participate in the painting.

Finally, the following video shows the interface and a brief explanation of the drawing tools of the CCC platform:

Interface & Drawing in Crowd Created Canvas

You also have a video explaining how to log in to the CCC platform and another on how to wrap $ICP to $WICP and vice versa.

NFT Collection: Metacosmic Zombies

Metacosmic Zombies is a collection of 5000 unique NFT set in an apocalyptic metaverse where four races of zombies coexist: Walking, Voodoo, Running, and Intelligent. They are immune to COVID-19, so they have enjoyed their immortality and immunity during the epidemic stage by engaging in all kinds of leisure activities such as playing basketball, traveling, attending rock and roll concerts, etc.

Lack of awareness is one of their weaknesses. They have no conscience or worries about the destruction of the environment or energy consumption. In some ways, they can be portrayed as us humans being heading straight to the metaverse.

Therefore, as the owner of a character from this collection, you can use your NFT on the Internet Computer to give it a sense of identity and awareness. NFT holders will have some rights and interests in the CCC platform that will allow them to earn profits. In addition, zombies will be able to generate income through play on a battle game platform.

Left to Right: Walking, Voodoo, Running and Intelligent Zombies 

As you can see in the table below, each of the zombie races in the collection has different special abilities. Walking zombies are the weakest race, and however, once they attack in pairs, the threat becomes tremendous. The intelligent zombies rule the whole zombie race on the opposite side and are extremely rare. Learn more about their history in the following link.

Properties of zombie races


The move towards the metaverse must ensure the privacy and security of user data. Big Tech like Facebook (recently rebranded as Meta) have already leveraged user data (including information about friends, relationships, and photos) to gain market advantage for higher profits. Now imagine our metaverse data (our family, social, and work relationships) in the wrong hands.

C3 Protocol is developing its platform on the Internet Computer, where personal data is stored securely and decentralized and fulfilling its intentions to be a part of the Web 3.0 world. In addition, the Crowd Creative Collections team intends to expand the collaborative art dream factory on Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano blockchains.

I look forward to seeing how the community's works evolve over time, especially the creations of talented artists working as a team!

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